Calendar Schedule

Forget back-and-forth emails to find the perfect time to meet

InboxPro - Calendar Schedule feature

Meetings in one click right from your inbox

Real-time availability

Forget cross-checking emails and avoid overlapping between appointments with your real-time availability calendar.

Simple to share

Invite people to make an appointment just by sending a link to your calendar or adding a button to your email signature.

Reduce no-shows

Send booking reminders to engage your leads or customers and let your invitees reschedule to avoid no-shows.

See how InboxPro's Calendar Schedule works...

InboxPro - Calendar Schedule feature

Set your availability

InboxPro - Calendar Schedule feature

Send a link to your calendar

InboxPro - Calendar Schedule feature

Add a button to your email signature

Smooth and hassle-free calendar scheduling

Stop double booking

Set up your working hours availability including time shifts or lunch pause across your calendars to get rid of double booking.

Communicate better

Some prospects and customers prefer video calls over email. Let them reach you with an easy-to-share and elegant calendar.

Make your calendar a selling machine

Embed a calendar on your website, send a link or add an appointment button to your email signature to get more appointments.

Overcome time zone conflicts

Be always on time whether you are connecting with people around the world or you have to constantly move from one place to another.

As many event types as you need

Set up multiple calendars and share them with a clickable link: 1-on-1 sessions, demo requests, meetings, webinars, events…

Eliminate time-consuming tasks

Automate rescheduling and appointment cancellations so you don’t have to waste your time resending new invitations manually.

Turn your calendar into a lead generator

Real-time availability

Email signature appointments button

Zoom Integration

Google Calendar Integration

Automated calendar management

Booking reminders

Get InboxPro's Calendar Schedule

Try the feature for free in InboxPro Free Tier.